5 Ways To Fix Windows Script Host Access Is Disabled 2024


5 Ways To Fix Windows Script Host Access Is Disabled on This Machine – Windows Script Host Access is disabled on this machine. Contact your administrator for details. This message is usually found in Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

5 Ways To Fix Windows Script Host Access Is Disabled
5 Ways To Fix Windows Script Host Access Is Disabled

How To Fix Windows Script Host Access Is Disabled 2024

Antivirus usually causes Windows Script Host or WSH messages. For example Smadav. Maybe you happen to be wearing it too?

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I usually encounter this message while browsing.Ā For example, opening a site.

Or also when opening certain applications.Ā The effect is that the application cannot function properly.

What is Windows Script Host?

Just for those who don’t know.Ā Windows Script Host is a Windows feature, to run certain commands related toĀ scripting.

Usually, there are special applications.

To get rid of the message you can use the method I will explain this.Ā I have tested it myself and it works.

#1. Via Regedit

Here we can manage the Windows system via Regedit. Setting so that WSH can be reactivated.

  • First please press the Windows key + R > Type RegeditĀ > Then clickĀ OK

Via Regedit
Via Regedit
  • Next, please go to >Ā HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows Script Host > Settings.
Via Regedit
  • Right-click Mouse there > Then select option DWORD (32) bit value
Via Regedit
  • Double-click the registry > Then set the name toĀ Enabled
  • Right-click Registry > Select ModifyĀ > Then setĀ Value DataĀ toĀ 0Ā > ClickĀ OK
Via Regedit
  • Restart the computer if you have one.

It’s done.

Note: If the Windows Script Host Settings already has aĀ registry with the nameĀ enabled, you don’t need to create it again.

Just change theĀ Value DataĀ registryĀ earlier, fromĀ 0 (Ā disabledĀ )Ā toĀ 1 (Ā enabled ).Ā That way, thereĀ will beĀ noĀ double registry later.

#2. If you are a Smadav user

Windows Script Host that initially already exists does not work, usually because it is disabled by the Antivirus. For example Smadav.

Smadav by defaultĀ doesn’t give access permission on Windows Script Host.Ā Therefore, this will cause notifications to beĀ disabledĀ later.

  1. Open the Smadav Icon tray (bottom right corner) > Then right-click on the SmadavĀ icon
  2. Next, please selectĀ Allow Windows Script & Office Macro Permanent
  3. Restart your computer if you have

If you are a Smadav user
If you are a Smadav user

For this step, I made it so that Windows Script continues to be active. If you want to use the Until Restart option, you can. But don’t forget to set it up again when it restarts.

Permanent Until Restart
Windows Script will always fire (permanently) Windows Script will run until the restart

#3. System Configuration

This method is simpler. The steps are more or less the same as those for Regedit. Through Run.

  • ClickĀ WindowsĀ keyĀ + RĀ > TypeĀ MSConfigĀ > Then clickĀ OK
  • Next, you uncheck Load Startup Items
System Configuration
  • Continue to open theĀ ServiceĀ tabĀ > PressĀ Hide All Microsoft ServiceĀ >Ā Disable AllĀ > ThenĀ OK
  • If so, please restart the computer
System Configuration

#4. Via Command Prompt

Command Prompt or CMD.Ā The goal is the same as before.Ā The difference is that we only need to write a few command lines.

  1. PressĀ WindowsĀ keyĀ + RĀ > TypeĀ CMDĀ > Then Enter
  2. In CMD > Enter theĀ REG DELETEĀ commandĀ “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings” /v Enabled /f
  3. If so, please pressĀ Enter
Via Command Prompt

Restart the computer as usual.Ā When finished, try the test again.

#5. Delete Registry After Userinit

Back to Regedit. The last way is to delete the registry after the user has initiated it. Intended for Windows Script Host can run.

  1. Open Regedit the same as before
  2. Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows NT > CurrentVersion > Winlogon.
  3. Under Userinit there is a registry.Ā Please delete everything
Delete Registry After Userinit

If so, close Regedit then try again.


This is the explanation of 5 ways to fix Windows script host access is disabled on this machine, the host script notification you found has been successfully resolved and does not come out again.

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Akshara Singh
I'm Akshara Singh, from Tamil Nadu (India) I have been Running this Blog since 2016 with my full effort to Help users in the Tech field and clear doubt, and provide advanced guides in simple methods.


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