25 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know 2024


25 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know – If you often play on the computer, then you should already understand and know the keyboard shortcut keys. A computer shortcut is a set of one or more keys that execute commands in software or operating systems.

25 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know
25 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Know 2024

So, you can increase your productivity by executing commands with few keystrokes, otherwise, it can only be accessed via the menu, mouse, or other aspects. If you still don’t know much about various keyboard shortcuts. Here is a list of 25 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know.

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#1. Ctrl + Z: Undo

Surely you are familiar with this shortcut and you also know where to do Ctrl + Z . Because this shortcut serves to undo the last action or help you return to the last input you did. So don’t worry if you make mistakes while typing.

#2. Ctrl + A: Select All

This shortcut is also very important because it functions to select all text, files folders, or elements in the program depending on what you are using. And you don’t have to drag the mouse anywhere.

#3. Ctrl + C: Copy

This shortcut is also probably one of the most important shortcuts when you work on a Windows system. Because this shortcut will make it easier for you to copy anything.

#4. Ctrl + V: Paste

Paste everything you have copied. It can be text, files, images, or folders. Because this feature is very useful for bringing everything together. If you want to paste simple text, without the original formatting, just add Shift to it. i.e. Ctrl + Shift + V .

#5. Ctrl + X: Cut

By using the shortcut Ctrl + X . Then you will cut the text/table/image/file by deleting and then copying it. Then just use the paste shortcut to paste it.

#6. Alt + Tab: Switch Screen / Tab

This shortcut has been around for some time and has been improved with the advent of new Windows OS versions. By pressing Alt and then the Tab key you will switch to the next tab/screen.

#7. Ctrl + Alt + Del: Start Task Manager

This shortcut is suitable for use when you are running an application that starts to lag or stops responding or when running Windows OS but is silent and can’t move anything. You just press  Ctrl + Alt + Del . Then the task manager will open and can check which program/application is making your PC slow and kill it from the task manager itself.

#8. Alt + F4: Close Application

This shortcut has also been around for decades now. Simply press alt plus the F4 function key and you will see the applications you closed. However, be careful when using it, try to save your work before turning it off.

#9. Ctrl + F: Find

This Windows keyboard shortcut is very useful when you are typing something you can’t find or you are looking for certain keywords in a document or browser. By pressing Ctrl + F then you will open the quick bar and you can type keywords.

#10. Ctrl + H: Find & Replace

You not only want to find some keywords but also replace them. Then you can use the shortcut Ctrl + H then a box will open and you just type the word you need to find and replace. Works for most document types.

#11. Ctrl + E: Select Search Box

Whether you are in a file explorer or browser, by pressing Ctrl + E then you select the search/navigation bar.

#12. Ctrl + N: Open New Window

Typing Ctrl + N together will open a new file or window depending on whether you are working in a browser or offline. This keyboard shortcut works well with most offline apps and online browsers built for Windows.

#13. Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel

If you are, for example, creating files and folders but they appear larger, and if you are in a browser, and want to enlarge the page. You can use this shortcut to do the job.

#14. Win + L: Lock Screen

If you don’t want to shut down the system? Win + L is a nice shortcut. Because it can help in locking your screen in an instant.

#15. Win + D Show Desktop

This is actually a quick minimize option. No matter how many tabs/windows are open, this shortcut quickly minimizes them all, shows you the desktop, and allows you to access files/applications in a few clicks.

#16. Win + Tab (+ Shift): Toggle Task View

Pretty much the same as Alt+Tab does but it’s a further-level Windows application navigator. When you press it, a tile of all open programs and the most used programs will appear. You can drag or jump between them by pressing the additional shift key with the Win + Tab command.

#17. Win + M: Minimize All Windows

This Windows keyboard shortcut is very useful if you want to minimize all windows of running applications directly.

#18. Win + Prtscn: Save the Screenshot

The Prtscn shortcut lets you take a screenshot, and pressing the Windows button on the side allows you to save the screenshot automatically.

#19. Win + I: Go to Settings

I need to open the settings tab quickly. You can try it by pressing the Win key + I and you can open the settings menu for Windows.

#20. Win + S: Search for Windows

You will always have files or applications that you can’t find on your PC. For that, windows introduced this shortcut. Because you can easily open it by pressing Win + S and typing the name of the file you want to find.

#21. F2: Rename

Depending on the hardware manufacturer, in particular, the F2 key performs various tasks like volume up/down, and toggle/turn off wifi. However, you can use it by pressing Fn + F2 you can quickly use the Rename file option when a file/folder is selected. But if you are using a regular PC keyboard you can simply press F2.

#22. F5: Refresh

Your PC crashes and the processor can’t keep up. Refreshing is a great old method of getting things moving. Pressing F5 can refresh windows or if you are running a browser, it can refresh too.

#23. Win + X: Hidden Menu

Did you know that Windows has a hidden menu? By pressing Win + X and seeing it appear. This will give you access to all important areas of the system.

#24. Win + R: Open The Run Window

This shortcut is also important if you want to open a folder or application without clicking on it. You just press Win + R and type the folder you want to go to.

#25. Win + E: Open Microsoft Explorer

If you are too lazy to open the directory. You just press Win + E  then the explorer directory will appear instantly.


Keyboard shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity on a Windows computer. Knowing the most commonly used shortcuts can save you time and help you navigate your system more efficiently.

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Akshara Singh
I'm Akshara Singh, from Tamil Nadu (India) I have been Running this Blog since 2016 with my full effort to Help users in the Tech field and clear doubt, and provide advanced guides in simple methods.


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